Jean Pierre Garnier Malet

Jean Pierre Garnier Malet was born in 1940 in France, in Vienne.
Physicist (PhD in physics and fluid mechanics): author of the Theory of the Doubling of Time and Space (The Doubling Theory, 1988).

Forced studies…

Great student, he was accepted at the university “Centrale” but he chooses not to go, willing to pursue his first passion: cinema. Under the force of his father’s pressure, military man, who wants him to pursue scientific studies, and influenced by his close ones who advise him to get any diploma before doing what he wants, he finally decides to “quickly” get a degree in physics.

Therefore, he selects the certificates so that he can pass five of them in a year, to go back as soon as possible to what he really wants. Following a double mistake made by him and by the administration, he gets the second certificate (the fluid dynamics) before the first one (the fluid mechanics) but he’s noticed by his teachers and the Dean of the University of Poitiers who wants to have him in his lab. But to get a degree in Physics, the certificates must be obtained in the proper order, it is a matter of administration, and that would take two more years.

… accelerated by a presidential derogation…

The Dean of the University, Professor Chartrier, then asks for a derogation that only the President of the Republic can approve. While he was waiting for the derogation (General de Gaulle will allow it the year after) and for his degree to end his studies, JPGM spends all his free time in the library of the fluid mechanics laboratory.

In a Russian or English book, he finds an equation known as unsolved, but he speaks neither. Ignoring the reputation of the equation, he finds the solution. First amused, convinced that he made a mistake, his professor R. Goethals asks his assistant Tsen Li Fang (who also thinks he’s wrong) to check his student’s work.

…and completed by a report at the French Academy of Science and a new derogation.

After it has been checked, not only the result of JPGM is excellent, but this equation (Laplace-Bernoulli equation) is so interesting that it needs to form the basis of a Ph and to be reported at the French Academy of Science. The application is so important that it allows the University of Poitiers to become the first French University to have a computer: an IBM.
His results are thus published at the French Academy of Science on a proposal from Léopold Escande (Report references: « Effet de sol sur un jet plan compréhensible convergeant ou divergeant. Note de Li Fang Tsen et Jean Pierre Malet. Transmis par Léopold Escande, compte rendu du 10 octobre 1966 Tome 263 page 500 à 503 »).
Despise a report at the French Academy of Science, a doctoral thesis can’t be obtained in one or two years. Once again, he needs a derogation to transform his thesis in a doctoral thesis. The year after, JPGM receives a second derogation thanks to a codicil from the Prime Minister Georges Pompidou, and approved by the Dean of the University.

The defined path of a career interrupted by…

He’s then approached by Russian, American and Canadian ambassadors, coming in person to ask him to join their research centers. Far away from cinema! So he declines all the propositions, but he starts his military service in the marines as “3rd class without any spe” in Hourtin, then in Paris. With his resume, he’s directly affected to the “DRME” (a fundamental research service) and starts a career in military research.
Then he decides to end it and to become an architect by getting an equivalence diploma. During his free time, he can finally devote himself to cinema. He even starts collaborating with several film directors. But he can’t help himself from working on his personal researches and his free spirit isn’t conditioned by any school, or lab, or dictate.

…10 years of research to discover the Doubling Theory.

After an essential discovery concerning a property of Time in 1988, and feeling that he found the bases of a fundamental theory, he starts neglecting his job and his passion to devote himself, often 18 hours a day for more than 10 years, to his fundamental researches on Time. Researches that will lead to the Doubling Theory.

To thank his wife who supported him during those 10 years of solitary researches, Jean Pierre Malet associates his wife’s name to his own one. He was born Jean-Pierre Malet, but he signs all his publications Jean-Pierre Garnier Malet.

Since 1996, JPGM tries to get people to know his theory and his numerous and important applications such as: anticipation, instinct, intuition linked to the vital principle of the Time Doubling. Results are here!